Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day from H-E-double hockey sticks!!!

This has just not been a good day for me. It started out with me leaving my house at 6:45AM, getting to work to assist with a procedure that involved placing a camera in an area of the human body that NOBODY wants to see, and just culminated in a very large butcher knife falling out of a cupboard only narrowly missing my face. Had I not jumped back at Cheetah speed, I could have lost an eye. Try explaining that to workman's comp. I think that this is one of those days that I should have stayed in bed with the covers over my head. All I can do now is keep repeating my mantra of, 3 days to Cali, 3 days to Cali, Thank God Almighty only 3 days to Cali. If I survive today I will most surely make it...RIGHT????

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