Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome to the Family

Just a little update on the post that I brought you yesterday. I just got off the phone with my sister in law Renee and the meeting last night went well. Sunday morning I will be an aunt for the first time when Casey and Renee bring home their new son Cohen Adam Stormes. Mike and I are very happy for them and look forward to meeting him when we visit MI next weekend. I hope to have pictures to share soon. Kate

Updated 2:30pm WI time:
Here are a few photos I just received of Cohen's first meeting with his new parents:


Leslie said...

congrats, now its official - you're really an aunt!! :) even though Owen will always consider you auntie kate! :)
Cohen is a cutie, how old is he? love the little outfit (O has the same one!) when will you get to meet him?!

Kates said...

We are going to meet him ths weekend. If we get out early enough I will call you and maybe we can stop by on Fri. Cohen was born on Sept 12. So he is a little over a month old.