Friday, November 21, 2008

Staying Positive

So, as many of you know or have guessed, Mike and I had another disappointing month in the world of fertility. This was the most crushing negative, since we had indications and feelings that we were finally successful. After a few days of feeling very down and depressed, I have decided that I am going to stay positive and look on the bright side at the great things we have. I have started to exercise, get out of the house more, and let go of the negative thoughts and feelings.

With Thanksgiving just a week away and my attempting to look on the positive side of life.
Here is a few things that I am thankful for:
  • The fact that Mike and I both have good paying, secure jobs that we enjoy
  • The fact that though I have lost a lot in the way of family these last few years, I have a Mom that is extremely interested and involved in my life
  • The goods friends that I have made here in Cheese town and the strengthened friendships with people back in MI (Absence really does make the heart grow fonder)
  • Our wonderful new home that shelters us from the wind and cold in a time when so many people are homeless
  • My wonderful husband who has been with me for 10 years now and has supported me through every storm and in every mood, be it rational or not
  • Last, but not least, the fact that though we may not have everything that we want, we have a lot. There are many people out there who are going without the basic comforts that we take for granted.

This list is going to be my new focus as we continue trying for the family that we so desperately seek. Thanks to everyone for your continued thoughts, encouragement, and (this is really hard for me) PRAYERS.


Tripp said...

I am on my knees for you! I know it may be hard to share, but I would really love to support you through your journey.

Amber said...

That's my girl. Stay positive. You are both strong and you will persevere! Love ya! Amber