Saturday, June 12, 2010

5 Months Old

Baby girl, how can it be that you are 5 months old already. You are making so many advances and changing so each day, we wish you could stay our baby girl forever, but time continues to fly by.


What you’ve been up to lately:

-Eating rice cereal and just started applesauce

-You still wear size 1-2 diapers, but they are getting a little snug around the legs

-You weigh about 13lbs and are wearing mostly 6 month clothes. You are starting to fill them out more

-Playing with you paci is one of your favorite past times and you love taking it in and out of your mouth while biting on it


-You started taking baths in the Big Girl tub and really like to play and splash, but not rinse off

-Still no teeth, but you are chewing on anything and everything, so it won’t be long now

-Our whole family Loves hanging out on our new patio and the other day you touched the grass for the first time

-Nights are still pretty hard since you get up at least twice, anytime you want to sleep longer, you just go ahead

-You are very interested in your feet and have started putting them in your mouth after pulling off your socks. At least you will always have that skill to fall back on.


Your Grandpa Vanden Berg would have called these your “Sexy tube socks”.


Though we are sad to see another month come and gone, we can’t wait to see what “tricks” you will come up with next month. One of these days Momma is going to learn to add videos to this blog and then everyone can see you antics. Love you to the Moon and Back Baby Girl!!

Momma and Daddy

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