Saturday, May 1, 2010

Positively Perfect Year Ago Today:

One year ago today Mike and I had the most Positively Perfect Day. As you may have guessed, on May 1 2009, we found out that we were pregnant. Though we were nervous d/t our previous pregnancy loss, we could not have been happier to see that PREGNANT sign on the digital test. Earlier today we sat down and talked about that morning, here is what we both remember:

Kate: I did not want to take the test. Since it had taken us a year of trying to get pregnant the first time, I had convinced myself that it would take a long time again. I remember getting up, taking the test, and heading back to bed while Mike waited for the results. I told him to only tell me if it was positive. Before I even got across the room to the bed, Mike was already saying Oh My Gosh, It’s POSITIVE!! I ran back in to see for myself and was totally shocked. From that moment on, our lives were forever changed!!

Mike: The thing that stood out in Mike’s mind was how fast the positive result came back. He knew that if it came back that fast, it had to be POSITIVE!! He then took a picture of the stick and we just continued to stare at it for the longest time.


Our new life could not be better. This May 1st we spent our day with this beautiful Little Lady!!

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We could not Love Megan Janell more, and she makes EVERY day positively perfect!!

“Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. When you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life.”

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