Wednesday, April 21, 2010

31 Times Thankful!!

Since last year was the "30 days of my 30th birthday," I thought that this year, with all the blessings in my life, I should do the 31 things I am thankful for.

  1. My wonderful little family
  2. My beautiful daughter
  3. Our beautiful new house to live in
  4. Having enough money to always afford what we want
  5. Having my mom live close
  6. Never going hungry and always having the food we want
  7. Being able to wash my clothes and always have them clean
  8. My wonderful husband who has been there for all the ups and downs
  9. Waking up to my daughter's cries every morning
  10. Being able to feed my daughter
  11. Having gas for my car so I can go where I want
  12. Living in a country where I can believe what I want and not be persecuted for it
  13. Great friends
  14. A good stable job
  15. A loving/caring extended family
  16. Good health for myself and my family
  17. A soft bed to sleep in every night
  18. The angels in heaven that watch over me
  19. My daughter's smiles
  20. Having health insurance and access to care
  21. Cuddle time with Megan
  22. Being able to work part time and spend time at home with Megan
  23. A wonderful mom who watches my daughter and also cooks and cleans
  24. ABC Supply for bringing us to Wisconsin and starting our new life
  25. Clean water to drink
  26. The ability to shower every day
  27. Having a career that I love
  28. Being able to afford heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer
  29. Having my husband home every night and not travelling for work
  30. My education
  31. Another year of life

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