Monday, January 11, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Today Megan turned 2 weeks old. I thought that this was a good time to let people know what she has been up to in the last 2 weeks:

-She spent 2 nights in the hospital and was so glad (at least Mom was) when we got to go home

-While in the Hospital her Dr. found a heart murmur and she had to have an Echocardiogram Everything that they found should resolve by time she is 4 weeks old, so we have an appointment for another Echo on Jan 27th. We would appreciate your prayers that this is OK

-She was too small for most of her clothes, but could wear a preemie outfit that Mom bought by mistake.

-Unfortunately she grew out of that outfit at 2 weeks. Here she is in it for the last time :(

-We took our first trip out of the house to the Dr. at 1 week old

-The Dr. was not able to hear the heart murmur anymore, thinks her hips are OK, and was happy that she was almost back up to her birth weight already. We are still going to have the Echo and Megan is going to have an ultrasound of her hips in 4 weeks to see that she doesn't have Mom's hip condition

-Megan was 6 pounds 14 ounces at 1 week and is a great eater. She is probably over 7 pounds by now

-She does not like getting her diaper changed or taking a bath. Here is our feisty/strong girl during bath time holding her head up. She was SO MAD

-Megan Loves to be snuggled and spends half of every night in the chair with Daddy and the other half in her car seat (Mom and Dad hope that changes soon)

-Last but not least, her greatest achievement came today, while laying on her activity mat. Megan rolled over from her stomach to her back. Mom tried to get this on video, but of course daughters do not perform on command

That's about it for the first 2 weeks. I know that Megan will be up to lots more in the coming weeks and I will keep you updated.

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